How to write software documentation¶
As a software developer or engineer, there is a magical feeling that comes from releasing open-source code. The feeling is a mix of terror and excitement. You’re eager to tell the world about your new project but despair at where to start. Even professional writers know the mixed emotions caused by a blank page.
Good software documentation helps relieve that fear. So, have no fear! Use this guide to document your first open-source project for public release.
Why write software documentation?¶
Understand your code in 6 months¶
Your code from 6 months ago looks like code that someone else wrote. Things that were obvious six months ago are now unclear, and you now empathize with potential users who need good documentation.
Get people to use your code¶
Just like code comments explain the why and not the how, software documentation states the why behind the code. Good documentation solves a few common reasons people won’t use your code:
They don’t know why your project exists or how it meets their needs.
They can’t find how to install your code.
They can’t see how to use your code.
Therefore, if you love your project, document it so others can use it.
Increase contributions to your code¶
Potential contributors need help through documentation. Documentation also provides another way for people to contribute and, for people who have never contributed, documentation changes may be easier than code changes. Overall, without documentation, you impede or even lose contributors.
Improve your code¶
The process of creating documentation requires focused thought that improves code design. Writing out API and design decisions allows you to formally think about them. Documentation also allows people to contribute code that follows your original intentions.
Improve your technical writing¶
Technical writing is a useful skill for programmers, but it requires different writing skills than most people have naturally. Writing documentation makes you a better technical writer. Technical writing becomes easier over time so maintain your writing skill by documenting your projects.
Start simple to achieve the best results.
What to include in software documentation¶
Give users the information they need, but not too much.
First, know which of these common audiences you’re writing for:
Users - want to use your code and don’t care how it works.
Developers - want to contribute to your code.
Importantly, beware of overusing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as documentation. Although FAQs can be useful starter documentation for new projects until you have time to write better documentation, FAQs quickly outgrow their use due to many drawbacks:
Become quickly outdated.
Accumulate disparate content on unrelated topics.
Become hard to sort and search through as content is added.
Are rarely an actual list of frequently asked questions from real users.
Tempt you to add content as a quick fix in lieu of creating actual, thorough documentation.
Show what problem your code solves¶
People use your docs to learn about your project. Perhaps they will hear about your project from others or will find it from a search engine. Regardless, clearly state what your project does and why.
Fabric does a great job of this.
Provide a small code example¶
Show a common example use case for your project.
Requests is a great example.
Link to your code and issue tracker¶
People sometimes browse the code. They might want to file bugs for issues they’ve found, so make your code easy to contribute.
The Python Guide does a good job of this.
Tell people how to get support¶
Whether from a mailing list or IRC Channel, document how to get help and interact with the community.
Django does a great job at this.
Show how to contribute¶
People have their own expectations of how to contribute. Document your contribution process so that contributions follow the standards for your project.
Open Comparison does a great job of this.
Provide installation instructions¶
Once people decide to use your code, they need to install and run it. Keep your install instructions to a couple of lines for the basic case. Link to a page with more information and any caveats.
Read the Docs does a good job with this.
State your project’s license¶
BSD? MIT? GPL? A project’s license might not matter to you, but the people who want to use your code will care. Think about what you want to accomplish with your license and only pick one standard license.
Next steps for software documentation¶
After following this guide, we know your code is ready for success! But, if you’d like to learn more, see how to maintain an open source project.
Tools for writing software documentation¶
Programmers live in a world of plain text. Their documentation tooling and workflows should function similarly while being powerful and easy to use. Writing tools should turn plain text into pretty HTML and track changes to files.
A basic markup example¶
* Online documentation:
* Conference:
This will render a nice HTML header and a list with automatically hyperlinked URLs. It’s easy to write and still makes sense as plain text.
README template¶
Your project’s README is often the first time users interact with your project. Therefore, having a solid README is key. Code hosting services automatically render your README into HTML if you provide the proper extension.
Some people even start a project with a README.
Below is a simple README
template to start with.
Name the file
to use markdown,
or README.rst
to use reStructuredText.
$project solves the problem of where to start with documentation
by providing a basic explanation of how to do it easily:
import project
# Get your stuff done
- Be awesome
- Make things faster
Install $project by running:
install project
- Issue Tracker:$project/$project/issues
- Source Code:$project/$project
Let us know if you have issues.
See our mailing list at:
The project is licensed under the BSD license.