Writing extensions in Sphinx: supercharge your docs


Sphinx is an open source documentation platform. It provides an easy way to generate documentation to multiple formats (html, manpage, text, pdf, ...) out of a single set of reStructuredText sources. It has great inbuilt support for documenting software projects, but can be used for anything.

One of its strengths is its capacity for custom extensions, allowing you to add functionality to meet the particular needs of your project.

Come for a tutorial of the extensions mechanism in Sphinx. Learn how to generate a Google sitemap dynamically; and how to embed a "last updated" timestamp in your documentation, based on the time it was modified in version control.

Basic familiarity with programming is helpful, but you do not need to be a programming wizard to understand this talk.

  • Conference: Write the Docs AU
  • Year: 2017

About the speaker

Nicola Nye