Sponsorship Prospectus

Sponsorship Prospectus


Welcome to the Write the Docs Portland 2025 sponsorship prospectus. We’re excited to work with the organizations in our community to build the best documentation event in 2025. Created in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, WTD has hosted conferences around the world in Prague, Berlin, Sydney, London, and Melbourne. We’re excited to celebrate year 12 with your support!


Write the Docs Portland is a three day conference held on May 4-6, 2025 focusing on documentation systems, tech writing theory, and information delivery.

Writing and maintaining documentation involves a multidisciplinary community of technical writers, designers, librarians, typesetters, developers, support teams, marketers, and many others. This group of people can be collectively referred to as “documentarians”.

Write the Docs creates a time and a place for this community to share information, discuss ideas, and work together to improve the art and science of documentation.


Our audience is primarily from companies in the software industry.

Each conference we sell:

  • 70% Corporate tickets

  • 20% Independent tickets

  • 10% Student tickets

Each conference is attended by:

  • Technical Writers (60%)

  • Developers (10%)

  • Support Staff (10%)

  • Managers (10%)

  • Community Contributors, Enthusiasts & Other Folks (10%)

Why Sponsor

By supporting a Write the Docs event, your company will gain visibility and credibility with front-line documentarians, and valuable insights that will help you get the most out of your own documentation efforts. If you’re hiring for docs positions, Write the Docs is also an excellent opportunity to meet top-notch talent.

We work hard to keep ticket prices affordable for a broad range of attendees. Your sponsorship makes it possible for all sorts of documentarians to attend our events, whether they’re a freelancer, a student or out of work. Becoming a sponsor demonstrates your commitment to and support of good documentation, and the people who build it.

Sponsorship Packages

All packages can be customized, so let us know what you need!


$14,000 - Limit 1 (Sold out)

The Keystone sponsorship highlights you as the primary sponsor of the conference. You get all in-person benefits, and the best placement for all physical spaces.


  • Eight (8) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $500/ticket.

  • Most visible sponsorship booth for the entire conference (Monday & Tuesday).

  • Sponsorship of a primary Write the Docs conference event (Unconference, Writing Day, or Social Event).

  • 60 second introduction on the main stage introducing your company.

  • Large logo on print material.

  • Large logo included in intermission slides and on talk videos.

  • Logo and long description (500 characters) on the conference website.

  • Name in all conference email promotion.

  • Dedicated social media post on LinkedIn and X.

  • One email promotion to our conference email list. Includes logo and 2 paragraphs of copy.

  • Slack Sponsorship promotion in Write the Docs Slack channel ahead of the conference.

  • Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).



The Patron package is great for a larger company to get in front of our attendees. It gives you a dedicated booth for the entire length of the conference.


  • Six (6) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $500/ticket.

  • A sponsorship booth for the entire conference (Monday & Tuesday).

  • 30 second introduction on the main stage introducing your company.

  • A table at Writing Day on Sunday OR Unconference Monday or Tuesday, where you can engage in an official event space.

  • Dedicated social media post on LinkedIn and X.

  • Logo included in intermission slides and on talk videos.

  • Logo and description (250 characters) on the conference website.

  • Name in conference email promotion.

  • Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).



The Publisher package is great for a company looking to send some employees and engage as a sponsor in a conference event like the Unconference or Writing Day.


  • Four (4) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $500/ticket.

  • A table at Writing Day on Sunday OR Unconference Monday or Tuesday, where you can engage in an official event space.

  • Logo on the conference website.

  • Name included in all conference emails to attendees.

  • Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).

Second Draft


The Second Draft package gives you visibility on the conference website and in communications. It’s a great package for a startup or small company.


  • Two (2) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $500/ticket.

  • Logo on the conference website.

  • Name included in all conference emails to attendees.

  • Display promotional (“Swag”) items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

The following a la carte offerings are available either independently or combined with one of the previous packages to increase visibility at the event.

Lightning Talks

$3,500 - Limit 2 (Sold out)

Sponsor one day of Lightning Talks, where attendees have 5 minutes to share something they are excited about working on. You will have 60 seconds at the start to introduce your company.


  • 60 second introduction on the main stage introducing your company.

  • Logo will be shown on the stage during all staff presentations as a Lightning Talk sponsor.

  • Logo on the conference website.

  • Name included in welcome announcement in email newsletters and social media.

Opportunity Grants

$2,500 - Limit 2

Provide additional funding for our Opportunity Grant program, which supports equity and accessibility and provides funding for low-income, marginalized people to attend the conference. These individuals would otherwise not be able to attend.


  • Logo will be shown onstage during opening and closing staff presentations as a grant sponsor.

  • Logo on the conference website.

  • Name included in welcome announcement in email newsletters and social media.


For more information on getting the most out of your sponsorship, see our Sponsor Information.

Please direct all inquiries to our sponsorship team at: