Write the Docs Australia 2018 Sponsorship


Write the Docs Australia (https://www.writethedocs.org/conf/australia/2018/) is a two day conference focusing on documentation systems, tech writing theory, and information delivery.

Writing and maintaining documentation involves a multidisciplinary community of technical writers, designers, librarians, typesetters, developers, support teams, marketers and many others. We sometimes refer to this group of people as “documentarians”.

Write the Docs creates a time and a place for this community to share information, discuss ideas, and work together to improve the art and science of documentation.

For too long, people who care about documentation have felt alone in the world, not able to connect with their community. Write the Docs is a magical experience for many of our attendees, allowing them to feel like they have found their place. We believe this is the most important thing that our event can do, and we aim to provide that experience in Australia this year, and make it better than ever.


Last year, we organised a one day event in Australia, that was attended by 50 people.

This year we are planning a 2 day conference, full of talks, workshops, and unconference sessions. We expect around 100-120 people to attend.

Write the Docs holds other annual conferences, including one in Portland, USA in May, and one in Prague, Europe in September. Attendance is approximately 400 in the USA and 300 in Europe. Both conferences have sold out last two years. We are also hosting our first WTD conference in association with Open Help at Cincinnati, Ohio in August 2018.

Our audience is made up of:

  • Technical writers (40%)

  • Developers (22%)

  • Support staff (15%)

  • Managers (12%)

  • Community contributors, enthusiasts & other folks (11%)

Why Sponsor

By supporting a Write the Docs event, your company will gain not only visibility and credibility with front-line documentarians, but also valuable insights that will help you get the most out of your own documentation efforts. If you’re hiring for docs positions, Write the Docs is also an excellent opportunity to meet top-notch talent.

Our conferences and events are run by teams of volunteers, and we work hard to keep ticket prices affordable for a broad range of attendees. Your sponsorship makes it possible for all sorts of documentarians to attend our events, whether they’re a freelancer, a student, or out of work. Becoming a sponsor demonstrates your commitment to and support of good documentation, and the people who build it.

Sponsorship Packages

The following options are suggested sponsorship levels. We are happy to discuss adjustments and custom packages.

These package prices apply to the Australian conference only. Check prices for the USA conference or prices for the EU conference. Ask us about discounted packages for sponsoring both conferences.

First Draft

The First Draft package is only available to startups (under 15 employees), non-profits, and open source organisations.

  • One (1) ticket

  • Small logo & link on the Write the Docs website

  • Name included in welcome announcement in email newsletters and social media

  • Display 1 promotional (“Swag”) item on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor)

The First Draft package costs $350.

Second Draft

The Second Draft package is great for companies looking to hire or promote a product.

  • Two (2) tickets

  • Medium logo & link on the Write the Docs website

  • Name included in welcome announcement in email newsletters and social media

  • Display 1 promotional (“Swag”) item on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor)

The Second Draft package costs $700.


The Publisher package is great for sending a team and getting to know the community.

  • Five (5) tickets

  • Large logo & link on the Write the Docs website

  • Name included in welcome announcement in email newsletters and social media

  • Display 2 promotional (“Swag”) item on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor)

The Publisher package costs $1500.

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

The following à la carte offerings are available either independently or combined with one of the previous packages to increase visibility at the event.

Financial Assistance

Write the Docs is always trying to make our community more diverse and inclusive. Talk to us about sponsoring travel and/or registration expenses for an attendee who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend.


Provide your branded lanyards for our name tags.


Sponsor a workshop, where we get a quality hands-on session for participants.


We all know that some of the most valuable networking takes place after hours. Sponsorship of the official party includes:

  • Mention of company on schedule for the party, and an on-stage thanks

  • Your logo on a banner or roll up at the party venue (provided by sponsor)

Choose Your Own Sponsorship Adventure

Interested in another sponsorship opportunity? Get in touch and we’ll do our best to make it happen. Here are a few ideas, or suggest something new!

  • Tea and coffee

  • Evening events

  • Writing (half) day

  • Welcome reception


Please direct all enquiries to our sponsorship team at:


We expect all invoices to be paid within 21 days of invoice receipt, as many of our expenses must be paid up front.