Looking for a new newsletter editor¶
We’re looking for a new editor to join the team that creates the monthly Write the Docs newsletter. If you’re an active member of the community and would like to contribute to WTD, this might be for you!
Our outgoing editor (Beth Aitman) has loved being on the team and would highly recommend it. It’s a great opportunity to help a wide audience of documentarians, by sharing the knowledge from Slack in a more permanent form; it’s also a fun way to practise or experiment with a different style of writing. The format isn’t set in stone either - we welcome new ideas for how to make the newsletter even better.
Note: This position has been filled. Thanks to everyone who applied. We’re still excited to have you join our community though – please reach out so we can help you find a way to contribute!
What you’ll do¶
You’ll be responsible for putting together the newsletter each month. The process looks roughly like this:
During the month, keep an eye on Slack and flag any interesting conversations. The community also flag conversations for the newsletter, so you can draw from their suggestions too.
Towards the end of the month, pick 4-5 topics to turn into articles.
Share the topics to be written up with our awesome team of writers, and write one yourself.
Edit the articles into a coherent newsletter and fill out the rest (news, jobs, meetup).
Overall it’s a few hours of work each month - except for August and January, where we take a little holiday. For more detail, the whole process is documented (of course!) on the WTD site. This role has an optional stipend of $200/mo to help ensure that you can dedicate time to completing the newsletter.
You don’t have to get started from scratch - if you’d like, you can pair with Beth for a month or two to get into the swing of things.
If you have any questions, or if you think you’d like to be our new editor, drop us a line at newsletter@writethedocs.org! You can also ping Beth Aitman, or Eric Holscher on Slack to get more information if that’s easier.