Write the Docs 2021 Stats

This year we have done a Write the Docs Community Kickoff - January 2022 post along with our stats. Check there for context around the community going into 2022.

2021 Stats

We have shared our high-level community stats for the past 5 years, and will continue to do it each year going forward.

You can read our previous posts from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.


  • 700 attendees in Portland (up from 600)
  • 330 attendees in Prague (up from 325)
  • Australia took a break in 2021.

We were excited to see continued success of the virtual conferences. The year also took a toll on the Australia community at the time of planning, so they decided to take a break this year and do a “super meetup” instead.

Slack Network


This is across all our various mailing lists (conference-specific and community newsletter).


  • Over 10,000 members (too many to count)

This year we’ve stopped counting total meetups because we’ve launched Quorum meetups that cover a larger geographic area. COVID has also reduced the vitality of Meetups, but we hope to see them rebounding once in-person gathering is safe again.



  • 250,000 sessions (up from 225,000)
  • 394,943 page views (up from 375,000)

Website traffic is likely pretty stable. This number comes from Google Analytics which many users are blocking, so the numbers are likely much higher in terms of total traffic.


  • 1,193 commits to our repository (down from 1,321)
  • 30 people who contributed to our repository (down from 35)

Thanks again

Thanks again for being part of our journey.

The Write the Docs team