Sponsorship Prospectus¶
Welcome to our 2024 Conference Sponsorship Prospectus.
We’re excited to work with the organizations in our community to build the best possible event in 2024. In particular, we would love your feedback on sponsorship levels and benefits. We expanded the offerings and introduced a lot of new things, but please let us know if there are other points of interaction with our community that would be valuable for you.
Write the Docs Australia (http://www.writethedocs.org/) is a two day conference dedicated to connecting content professionals from various disciplines. Our community includes technical writers, programmers, support teams, developer advocates, content strategists and more. We collectively refer to ourselves as “documentarians”.
Each year, we encourage community members to share their insights and experiences. Between the talks on stage, discussions in the unconference sessions, collaboration during the writing day, and hallway conversations — 100% of our conference content comes from our community.
Write the Docs Australia is an opportunity to explore and celebrate the craft of documentation in an inclusive environment, with a particular emphasis on underrepresented voices in the tech community.
Our audience is primary from companies in the software industry.
Each conference we sell:
80% Corporate tickets
15% Independent tickets
5% Student tickets
For those people, they have a range of job titles. The most common job title is Technical Writer, but people with many other roles also attend our conferences:
Technical Writers (75%)
Managers (10%)
Developers (5%)
Support Staff (5%)
Community Contributors, Enthusiasts & Other Folks (5%)
Why Sponsor¶
By supporting a Write the Docs event, your company will gain not only visibility and credibility with front-line documentarians, but also valuable insights that will help you get the most out of your own documentation efforts. If you’re hiring for docs positions, Write the Docs is also an excellent opportunity to meet top-notch talent.
We work hard to keep ticket prices affordable for a broad range of attendees. Your sponsorship makes it possible for all sorts of documentarians to attend our events, whether they’re a freelancer, a student or out of work. Becoming a sponsor demonstrates your commitment to and support of good documentation, and the people who build it.
Sponsorship Packages¶
The following options are suggested sponsorship levels. We are happy to discuss adjustments and custom packages.
First Draft¶
The First Draft package is only available to startups (under 15 employees), non-profits, and open source organizations.
Two (2) tickets.
Logo on the conference website.
Name included in all conference emails to attendees.
Display promotional (“Swag”) items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).
The First Draft package costs AUD $1,500.
Second Draft¶
The Second Draft package is great for companies looking to hire or to promote a product.
Three (3) tickets
Logo on the conference website.
Name included in all conference emails to attendees.
Display promotional (“Swag”) items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).
The Second Draft package costs AUD $2,500.
The Publisher package is great for sending a team and getting to know the community.
Seven (7) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $300/ticket.
Four (4) featured job postings in our Jobs Slack channel, also promoted in our newsletter (10,000 subscribers).
Logo on the conference website.
Name included in all conference emails to attendees.
Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).
The Publisher package costs AUD $5,000.
Limit 3
The Patron package highlights your company as a force in the industry and community:
Ten (10) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $300/ticket.
Logo included in intermission slides and on talk videos.
Logo and description (250 characters) on the conference website.
Logo in conference email promotion.
Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).
Dedicated social media post on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Two (2) featured job postings in our Jobs Slack channel, also promoted in our newsletter (10,000 subscribers).
One email promotion to our conference email list. Includes logo and 2 paragraphs of copy
The Patron package costs AUD $8,500.
The Keystone package highlights you as our main community partner:
Fifteen (15) tickets, with additional available to purchase at a discounted rate of $300/ticket.
Sponsorship of a primary Write the Docs conference event (Unconference, Writing Day). Logo on print material.
Large logo included in intermission slides and on talk videos.
Logo and long description (500 characters) on the conference website.
Logo in conference email promotion.
Display promotional “Swag” items on the conference swag table (provided by sponsor).
Dedicated social media post on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Three (3) featured job postings in our Jobs Slack channel, also promoted in our newsletter (10,000 subscribers).
One email promotion to our conference email list. Includes logo and 2 paragraphs of copy.
Slack Sponsorship promotion in Write the Docs Slack channel ahead of the conference.
The Keystone package costs AUD $13,500.
Other Sponsorship Opportunities¶
The following a la carte offerings are available either independently or combined with one of the previous packages to increase visibility at the event.
Opportunity Grants¶
Provide additional money for our Opportunity Grant program, which provides funding for people to attend the conference.
Additionally, for $5,000 we will offer exclusive sponsorship of our Opportunity Grant program. Please talk to us about this soon, as this option is removed once we have secured the required funding for this benefit.
Your sponsor logo will be shown on the stage during all staff presentations as a grant sponsor (opening, closing).
We will mention your company as a grant sponsor on Twitter from the official Write the Docs account.
Please direct all inquiries to our sponsorship team at:
Invoices must be paid within 30 days of invoice receipt, or no later than two (2) weeks before the conference.
Run of Show¶
This Run of Show provides more context about the event and answers some common questions you may have. Please let us know if there is any information missing that would be useful for you.
Sponsorship events¶
Sponsor booths¶
Sponsor booths are only available for our larger sponsors. You will be given a booth that is in the Expo area of the online platform. Most of the attendee focus will come during breaks between talks and at the beginning and end of the day.
Logistics: You can record a video to play at your booth when attendees enter the booth, but we generally recommend having someone with the Expo hall tab open to answer any questions that attendees might have. We also recommend that you answer general questions in the main booth and then break off into private calls or chat to talk in more depth to specific people.
How do I get the most out of my sponsorship?¶
Come prepared to engage with our community, and to learn just as much as you teach. Engage with our event as attendees as well as sponsors. Send technical staff who can chat with people on the interesting things your company is doing, and get value from the vast amount of insight in the room. We do have some decision makers in the room, but soft sells will work better than hard sales in the environment we strive for.
Quick tips¶
Arrive early: The conference venue opens at 8am, so we recommend arriving around this time to get the most interaction with attendees.
Bring swag (especially stickers): We recommend bringing a variety of swag to give away. Stickers are by far the most popular item for our attendees.
Engage with folks as both a sponsor and attendee: This is a great opportunity to meet folks in the community, so we recommend engaging with folks in an official capacity, but also as a regular attendee.
Use QR codes: QR codes are a great way to get people a website quickly. We recommend using a service like https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ to create these.
Who is my primary contact?¶
Swapnil Ogale will be your primary contact, but our team is available at australia@writethedocs.org. If you have a time sensitive inquiry, please email the entire team to ensure a timely response.
During the conference itself, we will also have a help desk available on the Hopin platform. You can find staff members there to ask any additional questions you might have.
How do I use my sponsorship tickets?¶
You should have received a unique URL with a discount code for your sponsorship tickets. We are happy to send it over again, just ask!
How do I use my job postings?¶
You can post your jobs to our job board. You will be given a discount code that will let you post them for free, please ask us for this if you don’t have it! They will be published in our Newsletter every month, and displayed on our website as well.