Badge Flair Contest

Badge Flair Contest

What started as an unofficial, community-organized activity 4 years ago at the first Prague conference, the badge flair contest has since become a traditional part of our conferences. Just decorate your badge, tweet a photo, and you might win a prize!

How to participate

  • During the conference, we will have a decorating station near the registration desk all kinds of stickers.

  • Choose your favorite stickers and decorate your badge however you want.

  • Tweet a picture of your badge before Tuesday at 12:00, using both hashtags #writethedocs and #wtdbadge.

  • The jury will choose a winner, and the MC will announce it after lunch on Tuesday, just before the lightning talks. There might be an honorary mention as well.

Please keep in mind

  • Anyone with a conference badge can participate, except for conference organisers (volunteers can also participate).

  • Make sure to tweet a photo before the deadline, with the right hashtags (and with both of them).

  • The winner must be in the room at the time of the announcement. If they aren’t present, the prize will go to the runner-up.

  • Although you may bring your own items for your badge, we value having similar resources for everyone, so if you overdo it with items you brought yourself, you may be sadly disqualified.

  • We discourage covering any part of your name, but it’s fine to cover the Write the Docs logo.

This contest is optional. Of course, you are free to use the decorating station even if you don’t want to participate, and decorate your badge for your own enjoyment!