About the Venue

About the Venue


Our venue for the conference is the Water Police Court and Charge Room/Cells, Justice and Police Museum, Sydney.


All conference spaces at Justice and Police Museum are wheelchair accessible.

The venue has:

  • disabled parking
  • accessible, clearly labeled restrooms on the all floors, including on the conference floor
  • smooth ground surface
  • hearing loops

Low Vision or Hard of Hearing

Preferred seating will be provided for attendees who request it. Please contact us about any lighting requirements you may have, and we will do our best to meet them.


Accessible restrooms are on the conference floor near the meeting room. The venue does not have gender-neutral or family restrooms available. Use the restroom for the gender with which you identify.

Did we miss something?

Have we neglected something you need, or is there something not mentioned that would make your attendance possible or improve your experience? Please email us, and we’ll do what we can to provide it.


Thank you to Djangocon US for inspiration on this page.
